Zhou Xunshu: A pro golfer on the China Tour Rotating Header Image

Sponsor Zhou | 赞助周

Zhou currently only has equipment and clothing sponsors. He has no financial backing. Thus he pays for everything out of his own pocket. Zhou earned RMB 86,525 (before taxes) on the China Tour in 2008, good enough for No. 16 on the year-end money list — but his expenses (plane tickets, hotels, restaurants, entry fees, etc.) topped RMB 100,000.

Zhou is always looking for sponsors to help cover the costs of playing on the China Tour and in other tournaments throughout China. If you are interested in learning more about sponsorship opportunities, please email info@zhouxunshu.com.

周现在只有器械和服装赞助商. 他没有经济支持. 因此所有的费用都靠自己掏腰包. 2008年, 周在中巡赛上赚得86,525元人民币奖金(税前), 对于年末奖金榜排名第16来说已经不错了 — 但是他的花费(机票, 宾馆, 饭店, 参赛费,等等.) 超过100,000元人民币.

周训书一直在寻找赞助商赞助参加中巡赛以及其他的中国高尔夫球赛事所需要的费用,如果你有兴趣并希望了解更多关于这个赞助的情况,请发邮件至 info@zhouxunshu.com.

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