Zhou Xunshu: A pro golfer on the China Tour Rotating Header Image


Oh So Close: Late bogeys keep Zhou out of Volvo China Open

zhouxunshu_chinaopen_qualifyingThe top three would advance to the prestigious Volvo China Open and Zhou Xunshu found himself tied for third place with three holes to play Wednesday in the second and final round of the Mid-China Qualifying tournament at Shanghai Silport Golf Club. But after bogeys on hole Nos. 16 and 18, Zhou found himself one stroke out of contention. The China Open would have to wait for another year.

“It’s disappointing, and I made some mistakes,” Zhou said, “but I feel very good about the way I am playing heading into the Omega China Tour season. I have a lot of confidence right now and I look forward to playing in Xiamen.”

Zhou added, “I’d really like to thank my coach Michael Dickie and the Silport David Leadbetter Golf Academy for taking me in and letting me train in Shanghai for the past five weeks. It’s been a huge help to my game.”

Zhou was on a flight headed for Xiamen just four hours after finishing his round in Shanghai. He tees off at 7:30 am on Thursday in the opening round of the Dell Championship at Orient Golf Country Club in Xiamen, the first event of the 2009 Omega China Tour. Follow live scoring of the event here.

Zhou finished in 8th place in Xiamen in 2008.




周还补充道,”我真的很感谢我的教练Michael Dickie和旭宝大卫利百特高尔夫学院给我这个机会来上海训练过去的五个星期。对我帮助非常大.”

在上海的比赛结束四个小时之后,周搭上了去厦门的飞机. 他将参加星期四在东方(厦门)高尔夫俱乐部举办的戴尔锦标赛,这是2009年欧米茄中巡赛的首站比赛,周首轮早上7点30分开球。关注实时比分直播请点击这里。


Zhou training in Shanghai until start of ’09 China Tour

Zhou Xunshu in Shanghai

Zhou Xunshu in Shanghai

It’s been nearly nine months since we updated this website, and we apologize. But hopefully you enjoy zhouxunshu.com’s new design and you are excited about the 2009 golf season in China. Here are some quick notes to get you up to date on the world of Zhou Xunshu:

  • Zhou finished the 2008 China Tour ranked 16th on the Order of Merit with RMB 86,525 in before-tax prize money (an amount that doesn’t cover his travel expenses for the year). This was the best finish of his short career. Here are his tournament-by-tournament results in reverse chronological order:
    • Omega Championship (Beijing): 33rd
    • Tianjin Championship: 29th
    • Luxehills Golf Championship (Chengdu): 17th
    • Sofitel Golf Championship (Nanjing): 24th
    • Shanghai Championship: 51st
    • Kunming Championship: 22nd
    • Dell Championship (Xiamen): 8th
    • Guangzhou Championship: 6th
  • Since February 5, Zhou has been based at the Shanghai Silport David Leadbetter Golf Academy, working with Scottish coach Michael Dickie.
  • Yesterday and today, Zhou is participating in a two-day local tournament at the Jack Nicklaus-designed Shanghai Links Golf & Country Club. After shooting a 72 on Day 1, Zhou found himself tied for first place with defending China Tour Order of Merit winner Liao Guiming. We’ll update you on today’s results. [UPDATE: Zhou finished the event in second place, behind Liao Guiming.] Shanghai Links will be the site of the Shanghai Leg of the China Tour this summer.
  • On March 17 and 18, Zhou will head to Shanghai Silport Golf Club to participate in the Mid China Qualifying event for the 2009 Volvo China Open, to take place in Beijing in April. Only the top three finishers in the tournament qualify for the event.
  • After the qualifying event, Zhou will immediately head to Xiamen for the Dell Championship, the 2009 China Tour opener which starts March 19.

Check back here for updates throughout the 2009 season.



  • 在2008赛季中巡赛奖金榜上,周排在第16位,他总共赢得了人民币86,525元的税前奖金(这个金额还不足以支付他整年参加比赛的开销).这是他简短的职业生涯目前取得的最好成绩。以下是他去年各站比赛的成绩(从最近的开始).
    • 欧米茄高尔夫球锦标赛(北京): 第33名
    • 天津锦标赛: 第29名
    • 麓山高尔夫锦标赛(成都): 第17名
    • 索菲特高尔夫锦标赛(南京): 第24名
    • 上海锦标赛: 第51名
    • 昆明锦标赛: 第22名
    • 戴尔高尔夫球锦标赛(厦门): 第8名
    • 广州锦标赛: 第6名
  • 从2月5号开始,周训书在上海旭宝大卫利百特高尔夫学院接受苏格兰教练Michael Dickie的指导.
  • 昨天和今天,周训书参加一个为期两天的地方性的比赛,这个比赛是在由杰克·尼克劳斯设计的上海林克司高尔夫乡村俱乐部举行.在第一天打出了72杆之后,周训书和欧米茄中巡赛的卫冕奖金王廖贵明并列第一.我们会更新今天的比赛结果(æ›´æ–°:周在这次比赛中最终名列第二,在廖贵明之后).上海林克司是今年夏天中巡赛上海站的比赛场地.
  • 3月17å’Œ18号,周训书会去上海旭宝高尔夫俱乐部去参加2009å¹´Volvo中国公开赛的华中资格赛.2009å¹´Volvo中国公开赛四月将在北京举办,只有这次资格赛的前三名才有资格进入四月的比赛.
  • 在这次资格赛之后,周训书将立即飞往厦门,去参加19号开始的戴尔锦标赛,这也是2009中巡赛的首站。
