Zhou Xunshu: A pro golfer on the China Tour Rotating Header Image

2009 Nanjing

Zhou No. 29 on China Tour Order of Merit

zhouxunshu-nanjing09-sundayWith a 37th place finish in Nanjing Zhou Xhunshu moved into the top top 30 on the 2009 money list after two events. See the list here. Zhou earned RMB 10,500 (US$1,537) in Nanjing bringing his season total to RMB 15,875 (US$2,324), before taxes. Zhou was No. 16 on the Order of Merit in 2008.

The final leaderboard for the Nanjing tournament is here.

Zhou’s next China Tour event is the Luxehills Golf Championship June 11-14 in Chengdu, Sichuan Province.


在南京站取得了37名的成绩之后,周训书在2009赛季的奖金榜上挤进前30名。两站之后的排名请点击这里。周训书在南京获得了人民币10,500元(约合美金1,537)的奖金,现在周这个赛季的奖金总额已达到人民币 15,875元(约合美金2,324),这是税前的奖金额。周训书是2008赛季奖金榜上的第16名。



Zhou fighting for respectable finish in Nanjing

After a rough Saturday round (6-over 78) that included two double bogeys and balls in water hazards and trees, Zhou Xunshu found himself tied for 47th heading into last day of the Sofitel Zhongshan IGC Open in Nanjing. Even par through the first three holes of the final round, Zhou is just four strokes out of the top-20. The Gary Player designed course, and the gusty winds, have been hard on all the golfers this week. Only three golfers are under par for the tournament. Follow the final round with live scoring here.

南京 周训书为了更好的成绩而战

星期六比赛对周训书来说是很艰难的一轮,他打出了78杆高于标准杆6杆的成绩,其中包括两个双柏忌,球下水和球打进树丛。此轮比赛过后,周训书以并列第47位的成绩进入到在南京举办的索菲特钟山高尔夫公开赛的最后一天。最后一天的比赛,周的前三洞成绩是标准杆,这时他离前20名也只有四杆之差。Gary Player设计的球场加上强风给这个星期比赛的所有选手们造成了很大的困难。只有三位选手最终以低于标准杆的成绩完赛。点击这里关注最后一轮的实时比分直播。